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Image by Jeremy Perkins

Tree of Change


Our mission is to cultivate a sense of belonging, foster community engagement, and drive meaningful change by integrating elements of dreaming, being and reflection to create a holistic approach to change management and cultural strategy.


We are cultivating a sense of space and time that disrupts the pace of “Do! Do! Do!” and invites folks to move slower – more flexible, adaptive, and compassionate – in order to experience one of our three core practices:
Pause. Dream. Be. Change.

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Our Values
Our Values
Our Values

None of our values can be practiced without conversation. It is a key method for aligning, diverging, and discernment.

None of our values can be practiced without conversation. It is a key method for aligning, diverging, and discernment.

We value autonomy & consent.

  • Dance between confidence and doubt.

  • Able to withdraw consent at any time. 

  • Share crucial information before decision making is made.

We value witnessing.

  • Create a container for vulnerable, brave space. 

  • Respond to the needs of people and their stories, privileging people over process; ensuring that reactions do not dictate actions taken.

  • Position all to practice discernment and compassion.

We value discernment.

  • Choose what to swallow and what to spit out (aka remember what is ours and what is not.)

  • Resist the urge of being paternalistic.

  • Recognize the limitations of values, praxis, tools and my power for achieving change in a space.

We value accountability & trust.

  • Willing to report back and talk about what’s going on rather than just pushing through.

  • Engage in conversation when trust must be rebuilt, which sometimes means conversations need to be mediated.

  • Recognize when we fall short and lean into that by reducing workload or reimagining tasks. 

We value care & compassion.

  • Prioritize health, well-being, decision-making, and spaciousness.

  • Widen our circles of care by widening ideas of who matters & who is worthy of care & consideration.

  • Practice solidarity across difference towards our collective liberation

We value community media.

  • Focus on communications & media that is more easily understood by the communities with whom we co-create.

  • Co-create in a way where the community feels so good and confident about what is co-created.

  • Contextualize the purpose of community media as a tool of collective struggle & liberation. 

About Crystal & Jason

Crystal Mason

is an activist, artist, cultural worker and consultant who works to create space for imagining, conjuring and sharing our dreams of a more just and equitable world. Crystal has been working at the intersections of race, gender, class , ability,sexuality, art and culture for over 30 years. They are a co-founder, along with Queerly Complex, of Queering Dreams, a new art, care and community-expanding network that’s collectively dreaming & creating our liberation from all oppressive systems and systems of domination. They have spent over 25 years prioritizing the art and stories of TQBIPOC folks. They were formerly Co-Director of Queer Rebels an intergenerational QTBIPOC performing arts organization and a board member since 2012. Crystal was also a co-founder and Artistic Director of Luna Sea Women’s Performance Project. Until recently they lived and worked in an intergenerational, multiracial mixed gender, queer and trans centered low-income housing project.

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Jason Wyman

is Queerly Complex, an anti-binary social practice artist living & creating on Yelamu, unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land or what colonizers named San Francisco. A mystical convener, Wyman creates spaces for comrades to explore & discover who they be individually & collectively. They work with dreams, value(s), structures, & equity to conjure forms of liberation & healing. Wyman’s art-making centers the messy, intangible, emotive, & esoteric bits that make us human. It’s resulted in a large-scale, participatory sticker mural with artists Celi Tamayo-Lee & Mary-Claire Amable for the Asian Art Museum, a national Youth Media Network co-produced with Myah Overstreet, and Queering Dreams, an intergenerational, cross-territorial network of artists, neighbors, & comrades dreaming & co-creating our liberation from oppressive systems, with Crystal Mason.

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Took Root
Small Strokes
How Tree of Change Took Root

We started simply with a commitment to create something together. 


Then, we dreamed in community with each other. 


This dream seeded what has become Our Tree of Change, which builds upon our 50+ years of collective wisdom in cultivating spaces for intimacy, vulnerability, and belonging.  We co-create the conditions under which deep change can happen.


We center deep listening, appreciative inquiry, and consensus-based decision-making, which ensures that the services provided can adapt to the emergent needs, wants, and desires of our clients. 


Our Tree of Change Consulting Services offers three pathways to change: Workshop, Organizational Development, and Program Development.


Book an intake call and let's start planning your journey of change.

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