by Crystal Mason & Jason Wyman

Tree of Change

Our mission is to cultivate a sense of belonging, foster community engagement, and drive meaningful change by integrating elements of dreaming, being and reflection to create a holistic approach to change management and cultural strategy.
We are cultivating a sense of space and time that disrupts the pace of “Do! Do! Do!” and invites folks to move slower – more flexible, adaptive, and compassionate – in order to experience one of our three core practices:
Pause. Dream. Be. Change.
Our Values
Our Values
None of our values can be practiced without conversation. It is a key method for aligning, diverging, and discernment.
None of our values can be practiced without conversation. It is a key method for aligning, diverging, and discernment.
We value autonomy & consent.
Dance between confidence and doubt.
Able to withdraw consent at any time.
Share crucial information before decision making is made.
We value witnessing.
Create a container for vulnerable, brave space.
Respond to the needs of people and their stories, privileging people over process; ensuring that reactions do not dictate actions taken.
Position all to practice discernment and compassion.
We value discernment.
Choose what to swallow and what to spit out (aka remember what is ours and what is not.)
Resist the urge of being paternalistic.
Recognize the limitations of values, praxis, tools and my power for achieving change in a space.
We value accountability & trust.
Willing to report back and talk about what’s going on rather than just pushing through.
Engage in conversation when trust must be rebuilt, which sometimes means conversations need to be mediated.
Recognize when we fall short and lean into that by reducing workload or reimagining tasks.
We value care & compassion.
Prioritize health, well-being, decision-making, and spaciousness.
Widen our circles of care by widening ideas of who matters & who is worthy of care & consideration.
Practice solidarity across difference towards our collective liberation
We value community media.
Focus on communications & media that is more easily understood by the communities with whom we co-create.
Co-create in a way where the community feels so good and confident about what is co-created.
Contextualize the purpose of community media as a tool of collective struggle & liberation.

Crystal Mason
is an activist, artist, cultural worker and consultant who works to create space for imagining, conjuring and sharing our dreams of a more just and equitable world. Crystal has been working at the intersections of race, gender, class , ability,sexuality, art and culture for over 30 years. They are a co-founder, along with Queerly Complex, of Queering Dreams, a new art, care and community-expanding network that’s collectively dreaming & creating our liberation from all oppressive systems and systems of domination. They have spent over 25 years prioritizing the art and stories of TQBIPOC folks. They were formerly Co-Director of Queer Rebels an intergenerational QTBIPOC performing arts organization and a board member since 2012. Crystal was also a co-founder and Artistic Director of Luna Sea Women’s Performance Project. Until recently they lived and worked in an intergenerational, multiracial mixed gender, queer and trans centered low-income housing project.

Jason Wyman
is Queerly Complex, an anti-binary social practice artist living & creating on Yelamu, unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land or what colonizers named San Francisco. A mystical convener, Wyman creates spaces for comrades to explore & discover who they be individually & collectively. They work with dreams, value(s), structures, & equity to conjure forms of liberation & healing. Wyman’s art-making centers the messy, intangible, emotive, & esoteric bits that make us human. It’s resulted in a large-scale, participatory sticker mural with artists Celi Tamayo-Lee & Mary-Claire Amable for the Asian Art Museum, a national Youth Media Network co-produced with Myah Overstreet, and Queering Dreams, an intergenerational, cross-territorial network of artists, neighbors, & comrades dreaming & co-creating our liberation from oppressive systems, with Crystal Mason.

How Tree of Change Took Root
We started simply with a commitment to create something together.
Then, we dreamed in community with each other.
This dream seeded what has become Our Tree of Change, which builds upon our 50+ years of collective wisdom in cultivating spaces for intimacy, vulnerability, and belonging. We co-create the conditions under which deep change can happen.
We center deep listening, appreciative inquiry, and consensus-based decision-making, which ensures that the services provided can adapt to the emergent needs, wants, and desires of our clients.
Our Tree of Change Consulting Services offers three pathways to change: Workshop, Organizational Development, and Program Development.
Book an intake call and let's start planning your journey of change.